Rules to be applied during theEnd of Level University Progression and Awards Board
Candidates whopass at least 120 credits in modules at the appropriate Levelautomaticallyqualify toproceed to the next level of study. Such candidates must achieve a minimum overall average for the level of study of 35%. In the case of a Level 5 Advanced Initial Degree student, theFaculty/School would normally also require the candidate to attain an average mark as specified in theFaculty/School Handbook.
Candidates whopass 80 credits or more but fewer than 120 creditsmayqualify toproceed to the next level of study provided that:
- The modules in which they have failed have not previously been identified as ‘core modules’ for the particular programmes (see general progression rule G4);
- The marks in such modules are not less than 30%; and
- The overall average for the Level of study is 35% or over.
Such failures will be referred to as ‘compensated failures’. Credit will be awarded for ‘compensated failures’.
Candidates whopass 80 credits or more but fewer than 120 credits but have failed a core module(s),will fail to qualify to proceed to the next level of study.As long as their non-core fails areeligible for compensation within the progression rules, they will normally be required to re-sit the core module(s) only and the mark(s) for the other failed non-core modules will be retained. Students shall not be given the opportunity to improve the marks of non-core modules.
Candidates whopass 60 credits or more but who fail to satisfy the requirements of S1, S2 or S3 abovewill fail to qualify to proceed to the next level of study. At the discretion of the University Progression and Awards Board, such candidates will normally be grantedsupplementary examinationsin all failed modules. Students will be required to resit ‘core modules’ and expected to resit all other examinations. However, the ‘Best Mark Principle’ will apply at the SupplementaryBoard (refer to G11). Please note that all ‘core modules’ must be passed.
All assignments associated with supplementary examinations must be submitted to the relevantFaculty/School by the start of the supplementary examination week.
Candidates who pass 20 credits or more but fewer than 60 credits, willfail to qualify to proceedto the next level of study. At the discretion of the University Progression and Awards Board, such candidates will normally be requiredto Repeat the Level of Study.
Such candidates will automatically forfeit any credit already gained (see G7).
In accordance with the General Progression Rule G8, those candidates who have been given the decision of Repeat Level of Study may be permitted to repeat the failed modules only.
Such candidates will be required to redeem the failures during the next academic year.
Candidates who pass fewer than 20 credits will be advised to withdraw. Such candidates will be advised to meet with their Faculty/School to discuss whether continuing on the current programme of study is the most appropriate option for them. Candidates may also wish to discuss their options for applying to transfer to an alternative programme of study.
Such candidates may also decide to return to repeat the level of study on their current programme and will automatically forfeit any credit already gained (see G7).
(In accordance with the General Progression Rule G8, those candidates who have been given the decision of Repeat Level of Study may be permitted to repeat the failed modules only).
Such candidates will be required to redeem the failures during the next academic year.
In the case of a Level 5 advanced initial degree student, theFaculty/School would normally also require the candidate to attain an average mark as specified in theFaculty/School Handbook.
Candidates pursuing advanced initial degrees who fail to qualify to proceed to the final year and subsequently transfer to the final year of an initial degree programme (i.e. Level 6), shall be considered as enrolled repeating failed modules. The modules of such students, therefore, shall be capped at 40%. Students should note that the capped mark shall be used for classification purposes in each such module (General Progression rule G9).
Candidates who are repeating the level or repeating failed modules, and who fail to qualify to proceed to the next level of study, having passed60 credits or morebut who fail to satisfy S1, S2 and S3, will be granted supplementary examinations as a final opportunity to redeem failures in all failed modules.
Candidates who are repeating the level or repeating failed modules and who fail to qualify to proceed to the next level of study, havingpassedfewer than 60 credits, will be Required to Withdraw from the University.
Candidates who are ‘Required to Withdraw from the University’ will be given no further attempts to redeem failures. Candidates will not be eligible to transfer credits to another programme of study at Swansea University and their studies will be terminated. Normally, a candidate with a decision of ‘Required to Withdraw from the University’ shall not be readmitted to that same programme of study or to a cognate programme, without the approval of the Recruitment and Admissions Committee.
Depending on the number of credits passed, such students may be eligible for an exit qualification (refer to G22). The University Progression and Awards Board will be responsible for considering the number of creditspassed and, if appropriate, awarding the relevant exit qualification.
The marks achieved by candidates repeating the level of study shall not be capped.
Marks achieved by candidates who are repeating failed modules only, at Levels 5, 6 and S, shall be capped at 40%. Students should note that the capped mark shall be used for classification purposes in each such module.
Rules to be applied during the Supplementary University Progression and Awards Board
Candidates whopass at least 120 credits in modules at the appropriate Levelautomaticallyqualify toproceed to the next Level of Study. In the case of a Level 5 advanced initial degree student, theFaculty/School would normally also require the candidate to attain an average mark as specified in theFaculty/School Handbook.
Candidates whopass 80 credits or more but fewer than 120 creditsmayqualify toproceed to the next Level of Study provided that:
- The modules in which they have failed have not previously been identified as “core modules” for the particular programmes (see general progression rule G4);
- The marks in such modules are not less than 30%; and
- The overall average for the level is 35% or over.
Such failures will be referred to as "compensated failures". Credit will be awarded for compensated failures.
Candidates whopass 20 credits or more and fail to satisfy the requirements of S10 or S11 above willfail to qualify to proceed to the next Level of Study. At the discretion of the University Progression and Awards Board, such candidates will normally be required toRepeat the Level of Study.Such candidates will automatically forfeit any credit already gained (see G7).
(In accordance with the General Progression Rule G8, those candidates who have been given the decision of Repeat Level of Study may be permitted to repeat the failed modules only).
Such candidates will be required to redeem the failures during the next academic year.
Candidates who pass fewer than 20 credits will be advised to withdraw. Such candidates will be advised to meet with their Faculty/School to discuss whether continuing on the current programme of study is the most appropriate option for them. Candidates may also wish to discuss their options for applying to transfer to an alternative programme of study.
Such candidates may also decide to return to repeat the level of study on their current programme and will automatically forfeit any credit already gained (see G7).
(In accordance with the General Progression Rule G8, those candidates who have been given the decision of Repeat Level of Study may be permitted to repeat the failed modules only).
Such candidates will be required to redeem the failures during the next academic year.
Candidates pursuing advanced initial degrees who fail to qualify to proceed to the final year and subsequently transfer to the final year of an initial degree programme (i.e. Level 6), shall be considered as enrolled repeating failed modules. The modules of such students, therefore, shall be capped at 40%. Students should note that the capped mark shall be used for classification purposes in each such module. (General Progression rule G9).
Candidates who are repeating the Level or repeating failed modules and fail to qualify to proceed to the next Level of Study will be Required to Withdraw from the University.
Candidates who are ‘Required to Withdraw from the University’ will be given no further attempts to redeem failures. Candidates will not be eligible to transfer credits to another programme of study at Swansea University and their studies will be terminated. Normally, a candidate with a decision of ‘Required to Withdraw from the University’ shall not be readmitted to that same programme of study or to a cognate programme, without the approval of the Recruitment and Admissions Committee.
Depending on the number of credits passed, such students may be eligible for an exit qualification (refer to G22). The University Progression and Awards Board will be responsible for considering the number of creditspassed and, if appropriate, awarding the relevant exit qualification.
Marks achieved by candidates who succeed in redeeming failures during the supplementary examination period at Levels 5 and 6 will be capped at 40% (see General Progression Rule G9). Students should note that the capped mark shall be used for classification purposes in each such module.
A Summary of progression decisions that can be awarded by the University Progression and Awards Board is contained in Appendix 3.